
Thank you for using!

To help you prepare your Will, our Will-Assist Wizard will ask you particular questions, to which you simply type in the relevant responses. When answering, please try to be clear, precise, complete and accurate. This is your Will, and the end-product will reflect exactly the responses that you put in.

When you are done with each section, click on the NEXT button, and the Wizard will take you to the next section. You can save your work at any time and return to it later, once you have opened your Account with us.

If you have any questions as you go along, please feel free to ask us in our chatbox or send us an email at

When you have completed the Wizard, you will receive instructions on your next steps, that is, signing your Will, payment and opening your account.

Rest assured, that the information you enter is safe, secure and confidential on See our FAQs for more info.

To begin, click “GO